Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to make bcp utility to append to a file ? ( Scheduling Tasks )

1) Create path to hold the running scripts

here in our example C:\testlab\s2

2) Create a batch script by name memory_in_use.bat

Code is as follows :

bcp "select object_name,counter_name,cntr_value/1024,getdate() from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where object_name='MSSQL$CSFSPD3TEST2:Memory Manager' and counter_name in ('Target Server Memory (KB)','Total Server Memory (KB)')" queryout C:\testlab\s2\dup_mem_res.xls -T -c -S CSCINDAE744358\CSFSPD3TEST2
cd C:\testlab\s2
copy mem_res.xls+dup_mem_res.xls tempfile.xls
del mem_res.xls
ren tempfile.xls mem_res.xls

3) Create a mem_res.xls excel sheet.Open the sheet and in the first row manually enter the columns one by one
Here for our example :

Counter_Name Object_Name ValueinMB Date

4) Create a dup_mem_res.xls excel sheet.

5) Now create a scheduled tasks from os as shown in the below figure and configure it to run every x minutes or hours as per your requirement :

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